Grumpy cat!!

10:35 AM Unknown 0 Comments

I know I post two times in a row haha I just cant help not to tell my first day of third semester. Well, yesterday was the first day of the third semester and I felt really horrible. I'm kinda anti-social and I hate myself because of it. I don't know why but I hate to see many people, looking so happy and laughing. ok this is starting to sound emo haha but I truly feel lonely and I cant start a conversation even if I wanted to!

The worse thing is that yesterday the lecturer asked the class to form a group and I started to feel that horrible feeling. I hate forming a group because I'm afraid if no one would ask me to join their group #anotheremo

Later that day I signed up for Mrs. President University! hahaha the audition will be on next wednesday and I wouldnt expect anything ;p I'm also thinking to join the cheerleading squad for a sport event at my school. We'll see about that hehe

Another random thought is yesterday some of my new classmates added me on BBM. After accepting them I realized that my display picture is kinda creepy haha it's the grumpy cat with "If you're sad about being alone on valentine's day just remember no on loves you on the other days of the year either" hahaha I love how grumpy cat made my day! *lovelove* guess I'm giving a bad impression but who cares anyway hahaha okay, time to sleep now. Love from the grumpy cat!

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