Long Overdue

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Hello, again! It's been forever since my last post lol sorryyy. It's 2015 now but i went through my camroll and i think i owe myself a post of my life in 2014. So here we go! 

  • March 2014

Well, like usual i went back to hometown for my semester break but this time i got stranded in Batam! Remember that freaking haze around sumatera? Because of the haze the plane could not land at Pekanbaru so they stopped for a while at Batam but then we decided to stay there. Unexpected short getaway yay !
Harris Resort Waterfront
I think we stayed there for like, 4 or 5 days? I could hardly wait to get back because i was expecting to see my puppy! Bf got me a pom for anniversary and valentine gift. I couldn't be happier! I used to say that i will marry whoever buys me a dog like a king will marry her daughter to anyone that can save the kingdom hahaha but no, i won't marry my bf :p 
The first day she came to my house. Isn't she adorable?!
  • April 2014
Got back to school again, living the same boring days. Thankfully, this time i got the chance to mentor the next Mr & Mrs President University for their catwalk class. It was fun actually. At least i got something to keep myself occupied hahaha

  • May 2014
My birth month wohoo! This year i got to celebrate my birthday in Bandung. I had a lunch at Jubilare with bf and then we went to Rumah Mode and PVJ. My favorite places in Bandung! That time though, i had a serious fight with bf like, real serious. We almost broke up on the way home and he cried like a shitty baby. Can you imagine? hahaha I was the one who cried at first but when he started to cry i was like, wtf? Suddenly i just stop crying and gave him tissues hahaha sorry bro i ruin your image. 
My sister's graduation also happened to be this month if i'm not mistaken. My parents were here and then we headed to Bandung to meet my aunts and uncles. I'm always happy to see my mom around her sisters and brothers because they're all funny and spontaneous. They will be like, sitting, chit chatting, drinking coffee, and my grandma will ask them to accompany her playing cards. I remember my grandma was upset when she kept on losing and starting to mumble and my mom just couldnt help but laughing and she peed her pants! omg hahaha those were the good days, man 
20th Birthday !
Happy Graduation Sis
Dusun Bambu. Please excuse my dad's finger lol
  • June 2014
I was busy with my entrepreneurship program. I don't feel like talking about it because it was full of drama hahaha i bet you're dying to know about it.

Magic Mushroom's Full Team
  • July and August 2014
The time of the year! Went back to hometown again, spending time with family, Loewe (my dog's name!), and my stupidly silly friends hahaha omg now i miss them! I'm still friend with the same old friend and the best thing about our friendship is that we can just chill at one's house doing completely nothing or go out to grab some snacks but still we will laugh our ass off like, literally every minute every second every hour of the dayayayay 
Loewe is all grown up
  • September 2014
Been waiting for september to come for this month, I went to Bangkok! Thailand is by far the BEST country that i ever visited. I mean the food, shopping, and cheap accommodation?!? I would die to go back again! Well, let the pictures speak for themselves! 
Siam Paragon
Had a Wonderful Time at Madame Tussauds!!
  • October 2014
For the first time after quite sometimes, i was back to modeling. Well not that model-model to be honest hahaha shit i'm lazy to write already hiks. Let's skip the details and talk about my first time volunteering at The Music Run, Jakarta. It was EPIC! I was in charged of the freebies and stand by around the stage. 
  • November 2014  
So, my friends and i conducted the first ever color run at my campus due to our HTM subject. Frankly speaking, it was a failure hahahaha eventhough i was the project manager but the event just didn't work. I'm not sure if it was us or the lack of interests of the students here, just like me. 
Looks super fun ?
  • December 2014
Something quite huge happened this month. I'm going to make separate post for this one hehe keep on reading !

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