2:52 AM Unknown 0 Comments

 Hello everyone, have you met..... my sister?

She is not really someone that i look forward to haha but i must say that i'm proud of her. She is just like every big sisters in movies, everyone adores her and compares me to her. She is academically good and friendly ever since we were little kids. But apart of that she never feels like she is ahead of me, as far as i'm concern. See! just like in the movies haha

Three things that i love the most about her are ; she makes me feel safe, she is superbly supportive, and she is generous.

I love to go on a trip with her, or just chilling, or.. i can go everywhere with her! She always put me and my comfort first,you know. When we travel together which mostly on budget travel because she is more into backpacking, i can only sit and she will handle everything for me. I actually don't mind going on a budget trip but there's one thing that quite bothering me, the place we stay. I need pillow, nice bed, and everything. So, she will be the one who sleeps without pillow, on the floor sometimes hahaha thank you sista!

She is the one who encourages me in every thing that i do or intended to do. By every thing i mean EVERY THING, even the bad one haha i always wanted to get a tattoo and she's always like "just do it" or when i say i smoke, she'll be like "it's okay but don't smoke too often" ( is it? or am i dreaming?" hahaha)

Another thing that i love when i go out with her is she will pay everything without complaining. surely it's the time when she has some haha but not only for me, she'll also kindly pay her friends even only in small amounts but still i consider it as generous. I'm not really a stingy person but i'm not that person who's willing to pay for group expenses, if you know what i mean?

Generally, people will describe her as a carefree person, indeed. But sometimes it annoys me with stupid mistakes that she uncountably made. She is OVERLY easy going, go with the flow,and stuffs. That time when we went shopping in Singapore, i asked her to ask the shop's clerk how much the kimono that i wanted to buy, i have no idea what has gotten into her mind, she asked in Mandarin and she stupidly mistaken $49 as $19!! I hate you for that !!!

Right , a couple days ago was my brother's birthday! we don't talk that much now but i remember when we were little, the three of us would talk all night and my mom had to yell and go to our room just to shut us up haha we also share the same interests; online games which leads to a big fight between my sister and my brother because at that time my sister just bought a new laptop and she strictly prohibited us to play more than one hour so they fought hard. I mean they clawed, they kicked, they slapped? hahaha but I can assure you I had a wonderful childhood!

So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU GUYS! Hope you have a blast and years ahead will be fulfilled with joy and laughter, success in everything you do. I LOVE YOU!!

Family isn’t always blood.
It’s people in your life that want you in theirs; 
the ones who accept you for who you are;
the ones who would do anything to see you smile;
and the ones who love you no matter what

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