I need my sleep.

6:32 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Living in a dormitory is not easy, after all. You have to deal with different type of personalities, share bathrooms, living room, etc. And that is what I am dealing with right now! I have to deal with these loud girls who yell and laugh way too loud at the corridor and it is very vexing! It is like night and day and seriously disturbing my sleep but I cant do anything about it. 'Jakartans' tend to be loud and attention seeker, no offense. Sometimes it is kinda annoying like you go to a cafe, sit next to 'Jakartans' and all you will hear is their laughter with loud voice,of course. Basically what I'm trying to say is I need my sleep back!

Last Saturday was my bf birthday, nothing special really happened haha. So, I bought a wool sweater from H.E by Mango for him. I just found out from the web that the original price was 25$ less! Kinda bothering me but it's okay haha. I love the soft fabric and the genuine leather on the elbow. Here is the snapshot :)

Happy birthday to my sweetheart! I hope years ahead will be fulfilled with happiness, love, and luck. Je t'aime :)   

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